- Description: Booleans and associated functions for Granule
- Authors: Dominic Orchard, Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt
- License: BSD3
- Copyright: (c) Authors 2018
- Issue-tracking: https://github.com/dorchard/granule/issues
- Repository: https://github.com/dorchard/granule
[top] Boolean type
data Bool where False ; True
dropB : Bool -> ()
[top] Boolean algebra
not : Bool -> Bool
Logical negation
and : Bool -> (Bool [0..1]) -> Bool
Logical and NB: non-strict in second argument
and' : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
Logical and (linear) NB: consumes both arguments
or : Bool -> (Bool [0..1]) -> Bool
Inclusive or NB: non-strict in second argument
or' : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
Inclusive or (linear)
xor : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
Exclusive or
impl : Bool -> (Bool [0..1]) -> Bool
Logical implication NB: non-strict in second argument
impl' : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
Logical implication (linear) NB: strict in both arguments