- Description: Finitely bounded sets
- Authors: Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt, Dominic Orchard
- License: BSD3
- Copyright: (c) Authors 2018-19
- Issue-tracking: https://github.com/dorchard/granule/issues
- Repository: https://github.com/dorchard/granule
data Fin : Nat -> Type where FZ : forall {k : Nat} . Fin (k + 1) ; FS : forall {k : Nat} . (Fin k) -> Fin (k + 1)
Representation of a number bounded above by n
upcast : forall {n : Nat, m : Nat} . {m .≤ n} => (Fin m) -> Fin n
If m < n then (x in Fin m) -> (x in Fin n)
fromN : forall {n : Nat, m : Nat} . (N n) -> Fin (n + 1)
Map from a natural number into the finite set one bigger than it
fromNInto : forall {n : Nat, m : Nat} . {m ≥ 1} => (N n) -> Fin (n + m)
Map from a natural number into a finite set that is arbitrarily bigger than it