- Description: Common functions for Granule programs
- Authors: Dominic Orchard, Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt
- License: BSD3
- Copyright: (c) Authors 2018
- Issue-tracking: https://github.com/dorchard/granule/issues
- Repository: https://github.com/dorchard/granule
[top] Standard functional components
id : forall {a : Type} . a -> a
Identity function
flip : forall {a : Type, b : Type, c : Type} . (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
Flip the order of parameters
const : forall {a : Type, b : Type, s : Coeffect} . a -> (b [(0 : s)]) -> a
Constant combinator NB: Throws away its second argument and returns the first
lcompose : forall {a : Type, b : Type, c : Type} . (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
linear function composition (the composition operator g ∘ f resolves to whatever is bound to compose)
until : forall {a : Type} . ((a -> Bool) [1..∞]) -> ((a -> a) [0..∞]) -> (a [2..∞]) -> a
Apply f to x until p holds
if0 : forall {a : Type} . (Int [0..1]) -> (a [0..1]) -> (a [0..1]) -> a
Conditional on integers Returns x if g is zero, else returns y
[top] Numeric functions and constants
sign : (Int [1..2]) -> Int
Given some n, return + 1 iff n is positive + -1 iff n is negative + 0 otherwise
pi : Float
An approximation of pi
e : Float
An approximation of Euler's number
[top] Combinators involving products (pairs)
fst : forall {a : Type, b : Type, s : Coeffect} . (a, b [(0 : s)]) -> a
Extract the left part of a pair
snd : forall {a : Type, b : Type, s : Coeffect} . (a [(0 : s)], b) -> b
Extract the right part of a pair
curry : forall {a : Type, b : Type, c : Type} . ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
curry converts an uncurried function to a curried function
uncurry : forall {a : Type, b : Type, c : Type} . (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry converts a curried function to a function on pairs
[top] Semiring-polymorphic combinators
comp : forall {k : Coeffect, n : k, m : k, a : Type, b : Type, c : Type} . ((b [n]) -> c) -> (((a [m]) -> b) [n]) -> (a [n * m]) -> c
Coeffectful composition
boxmap : forall {a : Type, b : Type, s : Coeffect, r : s} . ((a -> b) [r]) -> (a [r]) -> b [r]
Graded necessity is an applicative functor
disject : forall {a : Type, k : Coeffect, n : k, m : k} . (a [m * n]) -> (a [n]) [m]
'Comultiplication' operation showing that graded necessity is a graded comonad
extract : forall {a : Type, s : Coeffect, r : s} . {((1 : s)) ≤ r} => (a [r]) -> a
'Counit' operation showing that graded necessity is a graded comonad
pushPair : forall {a : Type, b : Type, k : Coeffect, c : k} . {Pushable c} => ((a, b) [c]) -> (a [c], b [c])
Push coeffects on a pair into the left and right elements. A distributive law of graded necessity over products. Note however that this is not always defined: the operation {c ⨱ c} is partial and is only defined if the semiring k permits this behaviour at c. (An example of a semiring where this is not true is for k = LNL and c = 1).
pullPair : forall {a : Type, b : Type, k : Coeffect, n : k} . (a [n], b [n]) -> (a, b) [n]
Pull coeffects of pair elements outside of the pair
copy : forall {a : Type, s : Coeffect} . (a [(1 + 1 : s)]) -> (a, a)
Generic copying of a value into a pair
[top] Coeffect-specifc combinators
flatten : forall {a : Type, n : Nat, m : Nat} . ((a [n]) [m]) -> a [n * m]
Flatten two boxes (with Nat grading)
unflatten : forall {a : Type, n : Nat, m : Nat} . (a [n * m]) -> (a [n]) [m]
Expand two boxes (with Nat grading)