- Description: Base library for operations on type-indexed vectors
- Authors: Dominic Orchard, Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt
- License: BSD3
- Copyright: (c) Authors 2018
- Issue-tracking: https://github.com/dorchard/granule/issues
- Repository: https://github.com/dorchard/granule
data Vec (n : Nat) (t : Type) where Nil : Vec 0 t ; Cons : t -> (Vec n t) -> Vec (n + 1) t
Sized vectors
length : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . (Vec n (a [0])) -> N n
Length of an indexed vector into an indexed nat discarding the elements
length' : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . (Vec n a) -> (N n, Vec n a)
map : forall {a : Type, b : Type, n : Nat} . ((a -> b) [n]) -> (Vec n a) -> Vec n b
index : forall {a : Type, n : Nat, m : Nat} . {m > n} => (N n) -> ((Vec m a) [0..1]) -> a
Safe random-access indexing from a vector
foldr : forall {a : Type, b : Type, n : Nat} . ((a -> b -> b) [n]) -> b -> (Vec n a) -> b
Right fold
foldr1 : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . ((a -> a -> a) [n]) -> (Vec (n + 1) a) -> a
Foldr1 (no need for an initial value as vector has at least one element)
foldl : forall {a : Type, b : Type, n : Nat} . ((b -> a -> b) [n]) -> b -> (Vec n a) -> b
Left fold
append : forall {a : Type, m : Nat, n : Nat} . (Vec n a) -> (Vec m a) -> Vec (n + m) a
Append two vectors
concat : forall {a : Type, m : Nat, n : Nat} . (Vec n (Vec m a)) -> Vec (n * m) a
Concatenate a vector of vectors
dropElems : forall {a : Type, m : Nat, n : Nat} . (N m) -> ((Vec n a) [0..1]) -> Vec (n - m) a
Drop the first m elements
take : forall {a : Type, m : Nat, n : Nat} . (N m) -> ((Vec n a) [0..1]) -> Vec (n + (m - n)) a
Take the first m elements
head : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . ((Vec (n + 1) a) [0..1]) -> a
Return the first item (head) of the vector NB: non-linear in the vector
tail : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . ((Vec (n + 1) a) [0..1]) -> Vec n a
Return the vector with the first item removed NB: non-linear in the vector
uncons : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . (Vec (n + 1) a) -> (a, Vec n a)
Take a vector and return the head element paired with the tail
splitVec : forall {a : Type, m : Nat, n : Nat} . (N n) -> (Vec (n + m) a) -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
Split a vector at position 'n'
sum : forall {n : Nat} . (Vec n Int) -> Int
Sum a vector of integers (using foldr)
product : forall {n : Nat} . (Vec n Int) -> Int
Product of a vector of integers (using foldr)
replicate : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . (N n) -> (a [n]) -> Vec n a
Replicate n x is a vector of length n with x the value of every element
range : forall {n : Nat} . (N n) -> Vec n Int
Make a vector of length n with all integers from 0 to n-1 e.g. range (S (S (S (S Z)))) should yield Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil)))
range' : forall {n : Nat} . (N n) -> (Int [n]) -> Vec n Int
Make a vector of length n with all integers from start up until n + i - 1 e.g. range' (S (S (S (S Z)))) [-6] should yield Cons -6 (Cons -5 (Cons -4 (Cons -3 Nil)))
pullVec : forall {a : Type, s : Coeffect, k : s, n : Nat} . (Vec n (a [k])) -> (Vec n a) [k]
pullVec pulls non linearity in elements into a non linearity on the whole vector
pushVec : forall {a : Type, s : Coeffect, k : s, n : Nat} . {((1 : s)) ≤ k, Pushable k} => ((Vec n a) [k]) -> Vec n (a [k])
pushVec pushes in non linearity of vector into the elements
copySpine : forall {a : Type, n : Nat} . (Vec n a) -> (Vec n (), Vec n a)
Copy the spine of a vector
stringToVec : String -> exists {n : Nat} . Vec n Char
Convert a string into a vector